Welcome, this is the accessibility statement of Kouvola Innovation Oy
This accessibility report applies to the website https://kiertokymi.fi/ and it was prepared / updated on 16 June 2023. This report is based on the Act on the Provision of Digital Services, which requires that public online service must be accessible.
We have assessed the accessibility of our website ourselves.
Website accessibility status
The website meets all accessibility requirements.
Have you found an accessibility issue on our website? Tell us about it and we will do our best to correct the issue.
Kauppi Sanna
Communication and Marketing Manager
+358 20 615 7284
+358 20 615 9480
Administrative Agency
If you notice that the website has accessibility issues, please send us, the website administrator, your feedback. Please wait at least 14 days to receive a response. If you are not happy with the response you have received, or you do not receive one in two weeks, you may send your feedback to the South Finland Regional Administrative Agency. The Southern Finland Administrative Agency’s website has exact instructions for filling a complaint and a description of the procedure.
Administrative Agency contact details
Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland
Accessibility Unit
puhelinnumero vaihde 0295 016 000